OG Mino Mob



Over 2 Million $VET Sales

Mino Mob is our first collection and will always be the Alpha collection of The Mino Mob Project. From our initial minting rewards that provided some of the most generous perks paid back to the community, Mino Mob has and will always be about providing value to our holders.

So far holding OG Mino NFT has given holders access to:

  • Mutant Elixir Airdrop at a rate of 4:1 
  • FREE Mino Mob Multiverse Mint
  • Airdrop of Multiverse NFT at a rate of 8:1
  • VESEA Tee Raffle 
  • $VSEA Token Staking
  • 2:1 Airdrop of The Elders NFT
Mino Mob Guardian

Vechain Wallet Connect Features Coming soon!!